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So far, so good...

The party's over! Or just begun.

Over the last several months, I've alluded to big things coming up and being busy with projects, but for whatever reason, I've been loathe to write out what's happening in my life. Maybe I've been afraid of jinxing it and that it would all fall apart as soon as I've articulated it.

In any case, the big news is that, after seven years, I've left my corporate job with intentions of exploring new career options. I've spent a lot of time over that last few years becoming a better photographer, this is my chance to take that somewhere. I plan to take at least a couple months to see what I can do with it.

What I've found so far is that the more I walk down this path, the more opportunities make themselves known. Each step is more frightening than the last, but I've been incredibly fortunate enough to find the ground was still beneath me every time. I'll stop before I get too squishy, but suffice it to say 'so far, so good.'

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