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Quick Bite: Bar Mut in Barcelona


After we left La Sagrada Familia on our last day in Barcelona, Tammi and I went to Bar Mut, in L'Eixample for some wine and a few snacks. We were there in that late afternoon dead period that confounded us just about everyday, but thankfully, they were open through the siesta and we spent a couple hours snacking and drinking wine there. See the food after the jump.


The jamon was delicious, as it was everywhere- thinly sliced, but densely layered with nutty fat.


The Main dish was a bit of a mystery. I'm not sure what it was called, but it involved shrimp and a sauce that seemed to be entirely made of egg yolks. It was topped with a layer of something crispy that added a crunchy texture to the creamy yolk and the semi-firm shrimp.


I'm not doing a good job of describing it, but it was all sorts of delicious. When it was done, I wiped the place clean with what was left of the pan con tomate.

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