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Cambodia: Street Cart Sausages in Siem Reap

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Compared to Vietnam, the street food in Siem Reap, Cambodia was pretty sparse. I did manage to find some carts selling skewers of chicken wing ends and even a cart with a variation on the banh mi sandwiches I love so much (more on that to come). The best of the cart food I found was from a lady selling these sweet, salty sausages.

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The sausages roast on her cart until the skin crisps up, then she chops them into pieces and serves them with a sweet chili sauce, cucumbers and a couple cabbage leaves. I couldn't get enough of them.

Now that I have my meat grinder, I'm curious about what exactly went into them so I could try my hand at making some myself. I think I'll start with pork, fish sauce and fresh chilies and go on from there... stay tuned.

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